Thursday, November 13, 2014

Livin' the Craft Life

Puppycat "Flawless" (SOLD)
Today has been one of those rare days where everything seems right with the world. I've gotten so much love for my artwork today and it's put me in a lovely mood. Since I was in a really lazy mood for the majority of October (not to mention being sick for a week and then going on vacation) I decided that November was going to be a super productive month for me and so far it has been. I've been working on new pieces day and night and am really pleased with my most recent work. As an artist, nothing makes us happier than knowing our hard work is appreciated so to everyone who has supported my business or simply said something nice about my art THANK YOU SO MUCH! It means the WORLD to me! I can be a bit insecure about my art and how it's received so when I go through dry spells it really wears down on me (yes, artists need constant validation). But this month has been awesome! I've gotten loads of new fans on Instagram and Tumblr and have had two people ask me if they can feature my work on their blogs! YAY!

Totoro "Brush Your Teeth" Hoop (SOLD)
I think another thing that is adding to the lift in my spirits lately is that I have some neat things to look forward to. First being my upcoming Thailand trip (it's only 2 1/2 months away now), then there's Friendsgiving coming up on the 29th (my friends and I are celebrating Thanksgiving together) and finally my trip to London next October to visit Melissa. As a person who suffers from melancholy, I've noticed that it helps me to get through difficult periods or times of sadness when I have some things to look forward to. I try not to live in the future (or the past) too much but it does give those bad days a boost when you're able to daydream about good times to come. I'm really excited about 2015 and think it's going to be a great year for me. If I'm lucky, maybe it'll be the year that someone special will enter my life (not going to hold my breath, though, haha!)

Jake Ice Cream Hoop
Oh, another thing that made me smile today was my internet friend, Jenny, including a pic of me in her Selfie Project 2014. Jenny is a doll (inside and out) and one of my favorite bloggers. She put a post out on Instagram asking people to send a selfie and a short caption saying something that they love about themselves. If you'd like to see mine and the other lovely ladies who participated in this project, please visit Jenny's website at:

It's just so nice to see so many gorgeous girls loving themselves. I'm all about self-love and positivity these days and encourage everyone to be kind and nurturing to themselves.

Okies, well, I'm going to get back to work but here's a few more of the hoops I've made lately. If you'd like a custom embroidery for yourself or a loved one this holiday season, please contact me on Etsy!

Stitch "Ohana"

Everything's Coming Up Milhouse!



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