Saturday, August 21, 2010

Back to School

So...yesterday was my first day back to school. It went pretty ok except for one bit of rotten luck. There's this dude who was buggin' me on the facebook for a couple weeks. The day before yesterday I had reached my wits end with this fool so I deleted his ass. That night before I went to sleep I had a premonition. My gut told me, "He's totally going to be in one of your classes, girlfriend." So the next day I'm waiting for class to start and again my gut says to me, "Any minute now..." and as I look up the turd comes waltzin' through the door. And out of all of the places to sit he sits RIGHT behind me just to make me uncomfortable. Douche. I can be a major ice queen when I want to though so I gave him the coldest shoulder imaginable. I never once made eye contact with him like he was invisible. After class though I could feel in my bones that he was going to say something to me so I BOLTED out of there. I even took the stairs so I wouldn't risk having to take the elevator with this creep (even though I was on the fourth floor).

Besides that bit of unpleasantness, I had a pretty good day. I'm also taking "Art of Japan" with the same professor I had for "Chinese Painting" who I adore. She gives a buttload of extra credit and plans museum visits for us all the time. It's a bummer this class is way on the other side of campus though. Having to walk to the art building while it's a billion degrees outside is not the mama. Monday I have another drawing class and my anthropology class. I'm excited to take an anthro class after taking nothing but art classes for a year. Plus it's lower division. I miss lower division classes...

Oh, and tomorrow morning I actually have an interview... for a job! It's been a year since I've done an interview so I'm pretty nervous. I don't feel that I interview well. And it's at 9:30am when I'm still on my vampire summer schedule where I don't go to bed til 3-4am. I hope it goes well because I really want to go on vacation this winter and need to start saving. Wish me luck!

P.S. My comic strip FINALLY got moved out of the crease of my school's student paper! VICTORY!

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