Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Iggy and DeviantART

Just a quick update about my art work. Today I logged into DeviantART and to my confusion I had 300 feedback messages (if you don't use DA- feedback is when someone comments, favorites your work, or follows your page) which is a buttload for me. I thought this seemed fishy so I read through all of the comments and everyone was congratulating me on my Daily Deviation. I was like, "What the math is a Daily Deviation?" It turns out that on DeviantART, each day staff members or volunteers pick about 22 pieces to be featured that day on the Daily Deviations page. Out of the millions of amazing pieces on DA, my itty bitty sloth hoop was chosen (left). I'm very excited and honored to have my work featured. I've already gotten several messages asking me to remake this piece :)

In other news, I got an order for a different sloth design (yes, sloths are very popular right now) and I went down to Joann's to restock on hoops. I get there and they had NO 6 or 7 inch hoops! I was pretty pretty pretty mad. When I got home I called every craft store in Phoenix (and a few in Chandler and Peoria) and NO ONE HAD ANY! What the hell? So then I went online and looked at a crap-ton of online stores so I could order some hoops in bulk. There were only 3 stores online that had them in the size I needed. I could NOT believe it. This craft has gone completely NUTZO! I tried to get them directly from Darice, the manufacturer, and they didn't even have any that size in stock. Retarded. I did manage to find a shop that had quite a few for a fair price so I stocked up. It was super scary to think I might not be able to get my hands on any hoops for weeks. I hate telling my customers that I don't have enough supplies and they have to wait. Time is money, man! Okay, that's the end of my craft rant. Here's some new hoops I've done recently:

All of these hoops are currently up for grabs! Find them here: www.iggystarpup.etsy.com

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