Wednesday, December 31, 2014

This is the End

So here it is. My last post of the year. As a whole I'd say 2014 was a dang good year, in fact, I'd go as far as to say it's been one of my best years on this planet. This year I got to spread my wings and finally see the world. I got to meet my bestest friend face to face and spend 3 unforgettable weeks together touring Europe. My business continued to grow and I sold more art than any other year and doubled my revenue from last years numbers. One thing that also happened this year that is very important and that I'm very proud of is that I truly started to love myself and my body. For years I've struggled with insecurities (the majority of my anxiety stems from being insecure and worrying about how I'm perceived by others). But this year with a lot of encouragement from positivity blogs on Tumblr  and some very dear friends I finally was able to see myself clearly. I may not be perfect (and honestly, who is?) but I'm a smokin' hot babe and I'm proud of my body and the way I look. For the longest time if I were to see or meet a girl who I felt was prettier than me I would get so down on myself and feel inferior to them. But now I'm able to see a cutie and be like, "Wow she's pretty but I'm pretty too. We can be pretty together!" Just this simple thing has helped me so much. The media and the fashion industry have such a limited view on what beauty is and it's pretty messed up. Beauty comes in all shades and sizes! I wish I could go back and hug my past self sometimes and tell her how lovely and perfect she is exactly the way she is.

So yeah, many good things happened in 2014 and it makes me hopeful for things to come in 2015. Already, my life is starting to change. My job at the retirement community recently became full time so that's going to be an adjustment. I got kind of used to only working part time and having the rest of my time free to work on my crafts. But I knew that that was only temporary until I could find a full time position. Now I'll have to work on my time management skills and find time to make art after work. Ideally, I'd like to get one hoop done a week but we'll see how it goes.

My dad plans on retiring sometime next year or possibly early 2016 so I'll most likely be living with them until then to help take care of my mom. By living at home another year I'll be able to save more money that I would like to put towards my first home in 2016. I've tried living with roommates but it's just not for me and I don't have any plans to move out of state in the near future so I'd like to buy a condo. My original life plan was to move in with my future life partner but since I'm starting to realize that that may not ever happen for me, it's time for me to start planning for my own future and how I'm going to take care of myself. I don't want anything large, just a cute 2 bedroom condo with a small yard big enough for a pug or two. And it'll be so great to be able to decorate and paint the place how I want to and not have to ask anyone for permission. So I just need to make it one more year and not let my parents drive me completely insane.

What I'm most excited about in 2015, though, is getting to travel more. In just 4 weeks I'll be leaving for Thailand and getting to see Asia for the first time. Then in October I plan on visiting London for a week to celebrate Melissa's 23rd birthday. Originally, we weren't going to see each other again until summer 2016 but since I'm only visiting Thailand for a week and get 2 weeks of vacation time from work, I might as well use that time to get to see my favorite human on her birthday. We only got to see London for 2 days this past spring and that just wasn't enough time so it'll be awesome to have a full week to explore.

Alright, well, I wish all of you a very happy and healthy New Year and I'd also like to thank you for reading this blog and supporting me. It truly means a lot! Mwah!

Duchess Gummybuns
9 inches

Your friend,

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