Monday, January 12, 2015


This past Friday I went to see my favorite comedian, Aziz Ansari, at Celebrity Theatre and it was AMAZING! I went with two of my bestest friends, Rosalynn and Ian, and we were lucky enough to get seats in the front row. I'd never been in the front row for anything so this was a pretty big deal. We were so close that the stage was literally an inch from my knees--it was UNREAL!

We got there a little late because parking was a nightmare so we missed most of the opening act but we weren't familiar with the dude who opened anyway so nbd. Since I didn't want to get busted for sneaking in a camera (there was a giant sign outside saying NO CAMERA. NO VIDEO. NO AUDIO.) I didn't get any pictures but that's okay because the experience will live in my memory for a very long time. As soon as Aziz came on stage he asked everyone to take their photos now and get it out of their system so then we could all enjoy the rest of the show without any distractions. He kept moving a lot, though, so everybody's pics came out pretty blurry. Rosalynn took this one here:

Aziz is such an entertainer! Once he got started he never slowed down (and it was all brand new material too!) I love how animated his style is and how he interacts with the audience so much. Being right in the front row I was so nervous he was going to talk to me since he kept looking directly at me when he was talking. I did kind of stand out, though. Since I didn't get to go out on New Year's Eve and had bought a super fancy cocktail dress for the occasion, I figured I'd wear it to this show. Aziz always looks very sharp when he performs so I thought he'd be okay with his audience looking fancy too. However, it didn't really occur to me that they'd be shining lights on me throughout the entire show and my green sequined dress would wind up blinding everyone. Whoops! What was more distracting than my dress, though, was the hottie in the row across from me. This boy was red hot like pizza supper AND I found out from the questions Aziz asked everyone that this dude was A.) single B.) vegetarian C.) a feminist. Can you believe that? UGH! Why couldn't he have been sitting next to me? The Universe can be so cruel. He smiled at me a few times so I was hoping he'd try to find me after the show but as soon as the show ended everyone made a mad dash for the exit and I lost him. Oh, wellz...

Mermaid Dress (Forever 21)
Saturday was a fun day too. I got to see my honey, Michelle, and have a girl's night out. I'm so excited for our Thailand trip (19 days and counting) since Michelle is a guaranteed good time. I always have maximum amounts of fun whenever I see her. First we went to this dive bar Rips but there were only like, 4 cars in the parking lot and it was super early (like 6:30) so we decided to go to Target to kill some time. While at Target we shared some menstruation anecdotes and had a grand 'ol time (and made all of the men in the vicinity very uncomfortable--yes!). Afterwards, we decided to go to Crescent Ballroom instead and see if anything was going on. They were having Mexican wrestling that night but the show was completely sold out so we decided to just get tacos since we were already there (their kitchen has the most AMAZING veggie tacos I've ever had).

After dinner we went back to her house and hung out with her doggie, Bella, who I love so so much and watched tv and ate cookies. I ended up leaving around 1am, which is SUPER late for me these days) and the second I walk out of her apartment her next door neighbors bust out of their room and were like, "Hey, what's up? Where u goin?" and I was like, "Ew!" They must've been listening to our entire conversation and been waiting for me to come out of the door. It was totally gross and made me super uncomfortable. Why do dudes have to be so aggressive and clueless? You really think I'm going to be like, "Oh, hey, baby, how you doin?" It's ridiculous. At this rate unless the Universe throws an awesome man at my feet I'm pretty much doomed. But I'm doing pretty great on my own anyway so WHATEVZ.

Anywayz, I hope y'all are having a good Monday! Take care, bbs!

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