Thursday, May 2, 2013


I have been phoneless for nearly two weeks now. My phone had been acting weird since February and slowly got worse and worse. My friend is trying to transfer its memory to a different phone but if he's unable to I'm going to have to buy a new one. I'm not very happy about this since I've had the phone for less than a year. It's ballz.

I hate to admit it but I was kind of addicted to my phone. The first day without it I felt physically ill. Now I don't miss it that much, in fact, I feel like I have so much more time all of the sudden. However, it is a pain having to go on my computer to check my email (my computer is an old man and takes forever to start up). What I miss the most about my phone is Instagram. I can't help it, I sort of love Instagram...and #PugsofInstagram.

Yesterday I attended Harry Potter bookclub with my mates and since we had finished book 5, we watched the movie. I hadn't seen "The Order of the Phoenix" in a while and watching it again made me remember how much that movie sucks. I'm not crazy about the book either but the movie takes out so much of the story and they put in so many scenes that are completely unnecessary. We decided that the next time they make the Harry Potter books into films that they should be made as a mini-series instead of feature films. That would be soooo awesome. They made another one of my favorite books, "The Count of Monte Cristo" into a mini-series and although they still changed the ending (no film adaption has ever had the same ending as the book) it was so much better than the movies since they were able to retain so much of the story.

Another bit of news, I have recently acquired a new pen pal! This time it's a young man from Germany. I sent him my first letter yesterday and am looking forward to his reply. I know I've said this before, but having a pen pal is a very lovely experience. There's something about getting handwritten letters in the mail that's very romantic no matter if the sender is male or female. 

Oh, and here's my most recent embroidery:

Okies...I better get back to crafting now. Much to do today! Laters!

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