Tuesday, April 16, 2013

And so our story continues...

This blog has turned into a suspense thriller in a way...will our heroine ever find a job? Short answer "Yes" with an "If", long answer "No" with a "but".

I recently interviewed with a company (who will remain nameless) for another receptionist job. I wasn't too jazzed about the job from the start but at this point beggars can't be choosers. I was not impressed by the place at all from my first interview but after my first one they said I might be able to do the second interview that same day. The HR lady told me to wait in the lobby and that she'd come and get me in "just a few minutes". Just a few minutes turned into nearly 40 minutes and in those 40 minutes my already sour impression of the establishment dropped even further. When she finally came back she told me that they actually didn't have time to do the second interview and to come back in the morning. Despite having a bad feeling about the place I went to the second interview anyway. When I arrived the next morning I met with a different HR rep who told me that I had scored "extremely" high on the IQ test they had made me take the day before and that they were very impressed with me. At that point I was feeling a lot better about this second interview since I'd never really taken an IQ test before.

Shortly after I was taken to the top floor to do the "real" interview with the woman who would be my boss. She asked me the normal arsenal of questions common in interviews minus one...Usually I've been asked to name just one weakness but this little pistol wanted THREE! I had only one prepared so I got a little flustered but felt like I recovered okay. After she was done asking me questions she went on and on about the job telling me what a great company it was and how this position would be a great starting spot for me blah blah blah. She said she would like to fill the opening in 2 weeks so to expect a call back shortly. On the drive home I was feeling pretty good about how the interview went and confident that I had finally nailed a job.

Today I awoke to not a phone call but an email telling me that this woman (she didn't even have the decency to email herself) had chosen not to offer me the position "at this time". What does that even mean? She might offer me it later? Such bullshit. And it's not like they decided to go with another candidate because I saw that they renewed the job posting today. So all day I've been in a rotten mood and trying to figure out what I could have possibly said to blow the interview :(

The worst part is that I wasn't even super stoked about this job either. I'm super sensitive to rejection so any form of rejection is always a major blow. I just can't understand what she didn't like about me and it's been bugging me all day. All of my friends have been really great and supportive through this whole job hunting ordeal and have been telling me that the right job just hasn't come along yet. I sure hope they're right because this has been such a nightmare, a nightmare that I'm ready to end. 

As much as I'm ready to go back to work though, it would probably be worse if I got a job and it sucked. I've had my fair share of sucky jobs so I think I can hold out a little bit longer for a decent one to present itself. It would've been nice to have found one before my birthday though...

Speaking of birthdays (nice segway, huh?) my birthday party is this Friday and I'm hoping to be in a better mood by then. I just have to remember that "Nobody puts Baby in a corner."

P.S. I saw a wonderful movie last night. It's Studio Ghibli's newest feature, "From Up on Poppy Hill", and it was beautiful. If you get a chance to see it I highly recommend it!

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