Sunday, April 7, 2013

If I ever feel better

Today I am trying to motivate myself to draw. I haven't done a serious drawing in over a year and considering I went to school for drawing...that's pretty bad. However, since it's been that long since I've drawn anything I'm kind of scared to draw again. What if I can't draw anymore? What if I never really could draw in the first place? What if this is all a dream?

I'd like to do a drawing of Bag End so I've been looking at a lot of cover art of the Hobbit. Ideally, I'd like to draw it in a van Gogh-esque style but that might be a little tricky with pastels. All of my acrylic paint dried up years ago (I used to be a painting major) and I don't have the funds to buy new paint so that's out. I do have some watercolors but I've never been very skilled with wet media. Maybe if this pastel drawing comes out okay I'll try it with watercolors. Maybe.

In other news, I went to a party on Friday with all my mates. It was a mustache themed party. There was a game where you had to identify the celebrity just by their mustache and I won. I guess I'm a mustache expert. I'll have to add that to my list of talents. As usual, I was the only one not drinking since I'm the quintessential "wet blanket" at parties. By about 11:30pm everyone was pretty smashed and before I knew it they were all singing at the top of their lungs and dancing to Ke$ha. Being a hipster, I'm not that into "popular" music so I had never heard any of her music. Me and my friend Heather aren't really into dancing so we were both sitting on the couch looking uncomfortable. It wasn't very long before everyone grabbed her and made her dance and I worried that my turn was next. For once my worries were justified because soon enough I was being dragged off the couch and thrown into the center of the dance party. At this point I had no other choice--I had to dance. For the first time in my 29 years on this planet I danced in public and I wasn't that bad at it. It's not like I don't ever dance, in fact, I dance quite often but only in the privacy of my own home. At least I wasn't forced to sing. That I cannot do. It's not that I can't sing, it's just that I won't. So don't ask.

Anywho, tomorrow I'm going to see one of my favorite bands. I haven't been to an actual concert in ages. I've been to plenty of shows but not concerts. I'm usually too cheap but I figured since my birthday was coming up that I'd treat myself to a real concert. It should be fun. 

Now back to the drawing board for me--LITERALLY!

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